Who are we?

Thanks for showing interest in our offer.

Shall we tell you a little about ourselves first?

We are a Mexican food business that operates out of a green caravan, we gather you already knew that. We are based in the small seaside town of Oakura just ten minutes south of New Plymouth. It has a full-time population of close to 1500 that swells during the summer months as the very popular local campground fills up. Located nearby is a petrol station and several restaurants and cafes. In short, a town very much like others throughout New Zealand.

Our business model was based on bringing healthy and delicious Mexican food as close to the beach as possible. ‘Real’ beachside dining is rare in New Zealand, thats the gap we wanted to fill.

As well as keeping regular hours at our beachside location, we supplement our income by operating at local markets and festivals like WOMAD, catering for weddings and corporate events.

We have even done kids birthdays! Thats the beauty of a mobile kitchen, you can easily capitalise on any opportunity.

We are open five days a week at our beachside location during the summer season (December-April) then we reduce our hours as winter rears its head.

Now, a little about us as people.

We are a couple with no formal business or hospitality training…

We love to travel, we love to surf and we love to escape every year for a few months away.

We have always loved cooking and had always harboured ambitions to do at least something with food. Selling homemade jams at the local markets wouldn’t have cut it, we wanted to be lightly more ambitious, to take a risk and gamble on an idea…bring the burrito to the beach.

It worked, the demand was there and the business has grown steadily since. So, do you think you would like to do what we do? With total support and training?

Well lets see if this might be the right venture for you.


A viable location is essential.

The space we use is leased from the local council. It is public land and certain responsibilities go with that (keeping the space clean etc).

You would need to choose several possible locations before going about inquiring if
a/ its council land and if so, can you lease it! !
b/ its private land and if so, can you rent the space! !
Considering our location with its amenities and attractions, how would your local area compare?

Is there a defined ‘busy’ period either summer or winter?
Is there a campground nearby?
What potential competition would you have?
Are you near a busy arterial highway or road?
What parking space would there be and how would people access your site?
Whats the demographic of the local residents and tourists?
Do you have busy markets and events in your area that you could attend regularly?
Where would you park the caravan when not in use?

Would you haste access to storage space and the right place to carry out food preparation? Its worth noting that once a caravan is certified to sell food by your local regulating body i.e. council, then it can also be used as a commercial kitchen in most instances.

Assess your locations based on the above questions. Its important to remember that location is everything. If people go there to walk and surf, then even more would go there to walk, surf and eat amazing burritos!

What’s Included

The full franchise package would include;
-A fully fitted out brand new caravan with all electrical, road and gas certifications.
-All new fridge, grill and other essential caravan equipment (all other equipment related to cooking
(pots, pans, knives etc) would be purchased separately by you from a suggested list that we provide.

-Full training including;

  • food preparation and service standards
  • one weeks supervised operations
  • ongoing support with bureaucratic issues
  • a complete operations manual covering technical matters, bookkeeping and recipes!
  • a brand guidelines manual

Next Steps

What to do now?
You’re keen, the site you are keen to work from is viable, lets get started!
Confirm your interest by paying a deposit. This is security for us. The money will be used to
commence the building of your caravan. The engineers require payment up front.
Timeline once the deposit is received, things will proceed like this;
Work on the caravan begins and an expected finish date will be given — Based on the when the
caravan is expected to be finished, an agreed start date is set — We liaise to find and agree upon
a time to begin training — We deliver the caravan and finalise a start date — Training, anticipated to take four full days*

Your first full week of trading is supervised by directly. We are in the caravan with you supervising and helping out.


If this sounds like you or you have any further questions then feel free to contact us directly via email: nakiholyguacamole@gmail.com

*Training includes full recipe cooking, food handling and safety strategies, customer service norms, advertising and promotional techniques, admin guidance and looking at what supplementary income streams there are in your area.